Hello Hugo!

Why Hugo?

My first blog was developed with Gatsby (React, GraphQL and SASS) and it was a good experience. But I built it because I wished to learn more about these stacks, so I even didn’t use a framework for style (like Bootstrap) and coded a lot of things that I could have reused from the community. Now I’m doing a new personal website and blog with a tool made for it with a lot of features.

The Beginning

The first thing I did was of course search for a tool to build a blog, I wanted to do it with Next (another React framework) but as I did a lot of things with React and worked Angular (a similar framework) I wished to learn something new and more focused on blog development, so I found Hugo.

The next thing I did was read the docs and soon I found about the community themes. This way I found about LoveIt theme and start to love all the features that were included in it. So for a quickstart I just cloned the theme repo and started the example site provided by them. Hugo is such a simple tool that in no time at all I started playing with it! After the initial project config I started write this post and then I will import all the posts from my previous site to this new one!
